ABN-268.LZH P 960131
************************¿ * ABANDON Presents: * * 2.68mhz, Why Not? * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* ATX-DEM1.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Anthrox Presents: * * trainer demo * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* ATX-DEM2.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Anthrox Presents: * * trainer demo * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* ATX-DEM3.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * ANTHROX Presents: * *trainer demo(mightymax)* *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* ATX-TWK.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * ANTHROX Presents: * * 5 intros fron TWK * * Contains 5 .smc files * ************************* ATXMAS94.LZH P 960131 |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| | [[ANTHROX 1994 Christmas DEMO ]] | | VERY NICE looking demo | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| ATXMAS9X.LZH P 960112 |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| | [[1994 Christmas Leftovers]] | |A collection of hardly usedintros and| | pieces of code slapped together and | | wrapped with .LHA wrapping paper. | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| BLACKWID.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * ?????? Presents: * * Black Widow bbs * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* CEN-DEMO.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Censor Presents: * * simple demo/intr * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* CEN-SHK1.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * CENSOR Presents * * SHOCK #1 1994 * *Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag* ************************* CEN-SHK2.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * CENSOR Presents * * SHOCK #2 1994 * *Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag* ************************* CEN-SIDP.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * CENSOR Presents: * * SidP sourcecode demo * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* CRE-BOF.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Creme Presents: * * Breath of Fire Music * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* CW_FEB.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * /+/CONSOLE WORLD\+\ * * February 1994 * *Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag* ************************* CW_MAR.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * /+/CONSOLE WORLD\+\ * * March 1994 * *Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag* ************************* CYNDEMO1.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Cynix Presents: * * The Learning Curve * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* NESQUICK.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * N E S Q U I C K * * =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* NFL-PRTY.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Nightfall Presents: * * PaRty SliDe DeMo * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* NUM-KIM1.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Numbers Presents: * * Kim 1 demo * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* PAN-HN94.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Pan-ATX Presents: * *Happy NewYear 1994 demo* *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* RAPID15.LZH P 960131 ***********************¿ * Rapid Fire Counter * * ver 1.5 (c) 1995 * * Demo-Demo-Demo * ****************** REB-MICK.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ *Rebels Island Presents:* * Mickey Maddness demo * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* S!XMAS94.LZH P 960131 |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| | [[SMILE! Christmas DeMo 1994]] | | 4Mb/SMC | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| SIDMANIA.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Censor Presents: * * SIDMANIA * *Lots-o-tunes! 6Mb/smc * ************************* SND-FANG.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * N.S.C Presents: * * SNDS - Spike McFang * * -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * ************************* SND-HULK.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * N.S.C Presents: * *SNDS - Incredible Hulk* * -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * ************************* SNESWISH.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * Snes Wish List * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* STCMAG1.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * SNES TRAINER CHARTS * * Issue #1 / June 1994 * *Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag-Mag* ************************* TAU-DEMO.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * TAURUS Presents * * first release intro * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* TAU-INSC.LZH P 960131 ************************¿ * TAURUS Presents * * Final Insect * *demo-demo-demo-demo-dem* ************************* |