Famicom version of cart requires Famicom to NES adapter to be
used with NES. NES version of cart requires NES to Famicom
adapter to be used with Famicom.
Only Famicom can output expansion sound without modification.
NES systems require modification to support this feature.
FDS is the only exception, user should push the reset button on
system to get back to main menu before than shutting down the
system, otherwise FDS save data will be lost.
Important notices:
first boot, CIC chip may need reconfiguration. Look at
this video
for details.
Purchase from:
Krikzz for $118 (as of 2/2/2017)
OS Version 16 (07/04/2017) VGO archive
/ Changelist
OS Update (Krikzz.com)
Promo materials:
KRIKzz YouTube demo 1 /
KRIKzz YouTube demo 2 /
FigureItOut (Youtube) /
Aleomark (Spanish) /
Aleomark (English) /
Omonim2007 (Russian) /
Total games: 2626
Supported games: 2587
Not supported games: 39
AS OF 07/04/2017