This portable Nintendo 8-bit system Very
much resembles a Genesis Nomad Portable unit.
It features a large 4" vivid back-lit
LCD screen! It runs on 6 AA bateries and can also use a 9 volt DC adapter*The
speaker is very good quality and the volume can be turned up VERY loud!
The controls are every bit as good if not better than a NES Pad...also
has built-in turbo and reset.
This unit can play both USA and Japanese
carts with the
Japanese > American adapter
this you can only play the Japanese Famicom carts.
It also has 2 built in joystick ports
for 2 player games, but I'm not sure what type of joystick works with it.
Maybe a Genesis or Atari..not sure.
Play on any TV!
GameAxe Playing Donkey Kong on a 40" TV...NICE!
Connect the GameAxe to any TV using a (Genesis
2) A/V adapter.
The GameAxe uses a BETTER connector than
a Nintendo home unit so you
don't have to waste time getting the dreaded
blinking gray screen!
Here you can see a Playstation (without case) attached
to the GameAxe via 1/8" Y adapter...pretty cool!
The picture is a tad blurry, not the GameAxe
Connect other video devices (Psx, Dreamcast,
TV, Video Camera) to the GameAxe using a standard 1/8" "Y-Adapter" found
at Radio Shack for around $3 and you can use it as a monitor!