PS3 Games, media type: Blu-Ray discs, 50GB
max (209)
3D Dot Game Heroes
(factory sealed/mint)
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Aliens: Colonial Marines C.E.
(factory sealed/figure/mint)
Amazing Spider-Man, The
Assassin's Creed
(factory sealed/mint)
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed III
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
(factory sealed/mint)
Back to the Future: The Game
(factory sealed/mint)
Band Fuse: Rock Legends w/ Cable
(factory sealed/mint) Batman Arkham Asylum
GOTY Edition
(opened cellophane/mint)
Batman: Arkham City
(opened cellophane/mint)
Batman: Arkham Origins
(opened cellophane/mint) Bayonetta
(opened cellophane/mint)
Beatles Rock Band
(opened cellophane/mint)
Two Souls
(factory sealed/mint)
Binary Domain
(factory sealed/vg)
Bionic Commando
(factory sealed/mint)
(factory sealed/mint)
BioShock 2
(factory sealed/mint)
BioShock Infinite
Borderlands 2
(factory sealed/mint)
(factory sealed/mint)
Brütal Legend
(factory sealed/mint)
Burnout Paradise
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
(factory sealed/mint)
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
(factory sealed/mint)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
(opened cellophane/mint)
Child of Eden
(factory sealed/mint)
Dante's Inferno: Divine Edition
(opened cellophane/mint)
(opened cellophane/mint)
Darksiders II
(factory sealed/mint)
Dark Sector
(factory sealed/mint)
Dark Souls II
de Blob 2
(factory sealed/mint)
Devil May Cry 4
(opened cellophane/mint)
Devil May Cry HD Collection
(factory sealed/mint)
DiRT Showdown
(factory sealed/mint)
Disney Universe
Doom 3 BFG Edition
(factory sealed/mint)
Dragon's Crown
(factory sealed/mint)
Driver: San Francisco
DuckTales Remastered + Collector's Pin
(factory sealed/mint/digital code)
DuckTales Remastered (Disc Ver)
(factory sealed/mint)
Dungeons & Dragons Chronicles of
(factory sealed/mint/JPN import)
Earth Defense Force 2025
Eat Lead - The return of Matt Hazard
Elder Scrolls, The IV:
(factory sealed/mint)
Enslaved: Odyssey To The West
(factory sealed/mint)
Eye of Judgment + PS
(opened cellophane/mint)
Fallout 3
(factory sealed/mint)
Fight Night: Round 4
(opened cellophane/mint)
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
(factory sealed/mint)
God of War Collection
(opened cellophane/mint)
God of War Origins Collection
(opened cellophane/mint)
God of War III
(opened cellophane/mint)
God of War Ascension
Golden Axe: Beast
(factory sealed/mint)
Gran Turismo 5
(opened cellophane/mint)
Gran Turismo 6
Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition
(factory sealed/mint) Grand Theft Auto IV
(opened cellophane/mint)
Grand Theft Auto IV:
Complete Edition
Includes Episodes from
Liberty City
(factory sealed/mint)
Grand Theft Auto
(opened cellophane/mint)
Guitar Hero III
Legends of Rock
Guitar Hero World Tour (IV)
+ Guitar Bundle
(opened cellophane/mint) Guitar Hero V
+ Guitar Bundle
(opened cellophane/mint) Guitar Hero
(factory sealed/mint) Guitar Hero Metallica
(opened cellophane/mint) Guitar Hero Smash Hits
(opened cellophane/mint) Guitar Hero
Van Halen
(factory sealed/mint) Guitar Hero Van Halen
Not for Resale version /
"Real" cover
(opened cellophane/mint)
Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock
(opened cellophane/mint+Sound
Garden CD)
(factory sealed/mint) Heavenly Sword
(opened cellophane/mint) Heavy Rain
(opened cellophane/mint) Hitman Absolution
(complete/mint) House of the Dead Overkill: Extended
(factory sealed/mint) ICO + Shadow/Colossus Collection
(opened cellophane/mint) inFamous
(opened cellophane/mint) inFamous 2
(opened cellophane/mint) Jak & Daxter Collection
(factory sealed/mint) Journey Collector's Edition
(opened cellophane/mint) Just Cause 2
(factory sealed/mint) Katamari Forever
(factory sealed/mint) Killzone 2
(opened cellophane/mint) Killzone 3
(complete/mint) Killzone Trilogy
(factory sealed/mint) L.A. Noire
(factory sealed/mint) Lair
(factory sealed/mint)
Last of Us, The
(opened cellophane/mint) LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes
(complete/mint) LEGO Lord of the Rings
(factory sealed/mint) LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
(factory sealed/mint) LEGO Rock Band
(opened cellophane/mint) LittleBigPlanet
(opened cellophane/mint)
LittleBigPlanet 2:
(opened cellophane/mint)
LittleBigPlanet 3
LittleBigPlanet Karting
(factory sealed/mint)
Lollipop Chainsaw
(opened cellophane/mint)
Mass Effect Trilogy
(factory sealed/mint) Mass
Effect 2
(factory sealed/mint) Mass Effect 3
Max Payne 3
Medal of Honor Warfighter
(factory sealed/mint) Metal Gear Rising
(factory sealed/mint) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
(factory sealed/mint) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
(factory sealed/mint) Metal Gear
Solid HD Collection
(factory sealed/mint) Metal Gear
Solid: The Legacy Collection
(factory sealed/mint) Metal Gear
Solid V: The Phantom Pain
(factory sealed/mint)
[Day One Edition]
Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest
(factory sealed/mint) Midway Arcade Origins
(opened cellophane/mint)
Mirror's Edge
(factory sealed/mint)
ModNation Racers
(opened cellophane/mint) Monopoly Streets
(opened cellophane/mint) Mortal Kombat
(factory sealed/mint) MotorStorm
(opened cellophane/mint)
Pacific Rift
(opened cellophane/mint) MotorStorm: Apocalypse
(factory sealed/mint) NBA 2k8
(factory sealed/mint) Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
(opened cellophane/mint) Need for Speed: The Run
(complete/mint) Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
(factory sealed/mint)
better art
(factory sealed/mint)
Sphere Leifthrasir
(factory sealed/mint/art book) Orange Box, The (Half-Life
2, etc.)
(factory sealed/mint) Pinball Hall of Fame:
The Williams Collection
(opened cellophane/mint) Plants Vs. Zombies
(factory sealed/mint) PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
(complete/mint) PlayStation Move Heroes
(factory sealed/mint) Portal 2
(complete/mint) Puppeteer
(factory sealed/mint) Rage
(complete/mint) Ratchet & Clank Future:
Tools of Destruction
(opened cellophane/mint)
Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty
(factory sealed/mint/import Asian)
Ratchet & Clank
A Crack in Time
(opened cellophane/mint)
Ratchet & Clank:
All 4 One
(factory sealed/mint)
Ratchet & Clank
(factory sealed/mint)
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault
(factory sealed/mint)
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus
(factory sealed/mint)
Rayman Origins
(factory sealed/mint)
Rayman Legends
(factory sealed/mint) Red
Dead Redemption
(opened cellophane/mint) Resident Evil
5 Gold Edition
(opened cellophane/mint) Resident Evil 6
(complete/mint) Resident Evil:
Operation Raccoon City
(complete/mint) Resistance -Fall of Man-
(factory sealed/mint) Resistance 2
(factory sealed/mint) Resistance 3
(factory sealed/mint) Ridge Racer 7
(factory sealed/mint)
Ridge Racer Unbounded
(factory sealed/mint) Rock Band
(opened cellophane/mint)
Rock Band
(opened cellophane/mint)
Rock Band 3
(opened cellophane/mint)
(BestBuy L.E. + cable)
(factory sealed/mint)
Saint's Row The Third
Saint's Row IV
Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen!
Sega Superstars Tennis
(opened cellophane/mint) Silent Hill HD Collection
(complete/mint) Skyrim: Legendary Edition
(factory sealed/mint) Sleeping Dogs
Sly Cooper Collection (3 Games in 1!)
(opened cellophane/mint)
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
(factory sealed/mint)
Sniper Elite V2
(complete/mint) Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
(opened cellophane/mint) Sonic
& All-Stars Racing Transformed
(opened cellophane/mint)
Sonic Generations
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
(opened cellophane/mint) Sorcery (Sony Move needed)
(factory sealed/mint) Soul Calibur IV
(factory sealed/mint) South Park:
The Stick of Truth
(complete/mint) Sports Champions
(factory sealed/mint) Sports Champions 2
(factory sealed/mint) Splatterhouse
Strider (contains Strider 1 & 2 DLC
(factory sealed/mint/import: JPN) Super Street Fighter IV
(opened cellophane/mint) Tekken 6
(complete/mint) Tekken Hybrid
(Includes Blu-Ray
(factory sealed/mint) Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2014
(opened cellophane/mint)
Time Crisis Razing Storm
(factory sealed/mint)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Future Soldier
Tomb Raider
(factory sealed/mint) Twisted Metal
(includes TM Black PS2 code)
(opened cellophane/mint) UFC Undisputed 2010
(factory sealed/mint) Uncharted:
Drake's Fortune
(opened cellophane/mint)
Uncharted 2:
Among Thieves
(opened cellophane/mint)
Uncharted 3:
Drake's Deception
(opened cellophane/mint)
Defeat HD Deluxe Edition
(factory sealed/mint/OST CD)
Unreal Tournament III
(factory sealed/mint) Vanquish
(factory sealed/mint) Virtua Fighter 5
(factory sealed/mint) Walking Dead, The
(factory sealed/mint) Walking Dead, The: Season 2
(factory sealed/mint) Warhawk
w/Jabra Bluetooth headset
(opened cellophane/mint) Yakuza Dead Souls
(factory sealed shrinkwrap/mint) Zone of the Enders
HD Collection
(factory sealed/mint)
Purchased PSN
PS3 Games (194)
1942: Joint Strike $5.39
3 on 3 NHL Arcade (Full Game) $3.00
After Burner Climax™ (Full Game) $5.39
Alex Kidd in Miracle World™ (Full Game) $1.00
ALIEN CRUSH (PS3™/PSP®) (17 MB Required) $5.99
ALPHA MISSION (6.1 MB Required) $0.60
Amplitude (PS3/PS4) $7.99
Angry Birds MINI $1.99
Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition [Cross-Buy] $7.19
Aquatopia (Requires camera) $1.99
ATHENA (13 MB Required) $0.60
Beat Hazard Ultra (Full Game) $4.00
Bejeweled 3 (Full Game) $4.99
Big Sky Infinity™ (PS3 & Vita) $2.99
Bionic Commando™: Rearmed $10.79
BIT.TRIP Presents: Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien $11.99
BIT.TRIP, The (PS4 & PS Vita) $2.99
BlazeRush (Full Game) PS3/PS4 Cross-Buy $1.99
Bomberman ULTRA $5.39
Braid (Full Game) $0.99
Burn Zombie Burn $5.39
Burnout™ Crash! (Full Game) $2.49
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Edition (Full Game) $8.99
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (Full Game) $3.75
Capcom Arcade Cabinet: All-In-One Pack $10.49
Castle Crashers $11.33
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Pre-Order) $14.99
CastleStorm (Downloadable Game) $4.89
Championship Sprint™ $1.99
Chime Super Deluxe (Full Game) $4.89
Costume Quest 2 (Downloadable Game) $14.99
Costume Quest™ Complete Pack (Game+Add-On) $3.75
Crazy Taxi (Full Game) $2.50
Crimsonland (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita) $1.39
Critter Crunch (Full Game) $1.40
Daytona USA (Full Game) $6.99
Dead Nation (Full Game) $Free from PSN Hack
de Blob 2 (6.6 GB) $3.75
.detuned™ $3.21
Digger HD $5.39
DOOM 3 BFG Edition (7.1 GB) $7.99
Dragon's Crown™ (Full Game) $17.49
Dragon's Lair $10.79
Dragon's Lair® II: Time Warp (Full Game) $2.50
DuckTales: Remastered (Pre-Order) $11.99
Dungeons & Dragons®: Chronicles of Mystara™ $5.24
Earthworm Jim® HD Full Game Unlock PS3 5.94KB 1/9/2013
Everyday Shooter $5.39
Explodemon! (Full Game) PS3 $.99
Fight Night Champion - Full Game (6 GB) $4.89
Final Fight™: Double Impact $10.79
Final Exam™ (Full Game) PS3 $2.50
Flashback™ (Downloadable Game) $0.90
flOw PS3™ (Full Game) $2.79
Flower™ $5.39
Game of Thrones - Season Pass 6 episodes PS3 $12.50
Game Show Party:Price is Right, Family Feud, Press Your Luck $21.59
Gang Wars (14 MB Required) MINI $1.49
Gatling Gears (Full Game) $9.99
Ghostbusters™: Sanctum of Slime (Full Game) $1.25
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Full Game) $3.49
Grand Theft Auto (R): Episodes from Liberty City™ $11.99
Gravity Crash™ $5.39
Guacamelee! (Full Game) $11.99
High Velocity Bowling™ $9.99
House of the Dead III $3.42
House of the Dead, The Bundle Pack (HOTD 3, 4, Overkill) (13 GB) $7.50
Hustle Kings™ $10.79
HyperBalloid ($5)
Hyper Void (Downloadable Game) PS4/PS3 $4
IKARI WARRIORS (12 MB Required) MINI $1.49
IKARI III: THE RESCUE (33 MB Required) $0.60
inFAMOUS™ Festival of Blood (Full Game) $2.50
The Jackbox Party Pack (Full Game) $4.75
Jeopardy! (1.5 GB) $4.49
Jetpack Joyride (Full Game)
Jetpack Joyride Deluxe (Full Game) $1.99
Joe Danger $8.09
Joust (R) $1.99
Jurassic Park™: The Game (Episodes 1-4) $0.99
KickBeat (PS3/PS4/Vita) $3.50
King Oddball Cross-Buy PS4/PS3/Vita $0.99
L.A. Noire (13 GB) $4.99
Last Guy™, The $5.39
LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™ (7.8 GB) $5.00
LIMBO (Full Game) $7.34
LittleBigPlanet™ (Full Game) $4.80
LUMINES™ Supernova (Full Game) $2.70
Machinarium (Full Game) $2.50
Madden NFL Arcade (Full Game) PS3 $.99
Magic Orbz (Full Game) $7.99
Mamorukun Curse! (Full Game) (PS3) $2.50
MARVEL™ VS. CAPCOM® 2 (Full Game) $3.75
Marvel vs. Capcom: Origins (Full Game) $3.75
MARVIN'S MAZE (2.9 MB Required) $0.60
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond (Full Game) $0.90
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - HD Edition $6.00
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - HD Edition $6.00
METAL SLUG 3 (PS3/PS4/Vita) $13.49
Sacred Citadel (Full Game) $0.90
Monopoly MINI ($2.69)
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection (Full Game) $2.49
MotorStorm® Apocalypse (Downloadable Game) $2.25
MotorStorm® RC "Complete Edition" $2
Narco Terror (Downloadable Game) PS3 $2.00
Need for Speed™ Most Wanted (4.5 GB) $5.00
NiGHTS into dreams... (Full Game) $4.89
Okami HD $6.99
OlliOlli (223 MB Required) $2.69 (PS Vita / PS3 /PS4)
OZMA WARS (2.3 MB Required) $0.60
P.O.W. - PRISONERS OF WAR (34 MB) Required MINI $1.49
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX $10.79
PAC-MAN MUSEUM™ (Full Game) $4.80
Papo & Yo (Pre-Order) $11.99
Peggle™ (Full Game) $2.50
Pinball Arcade (Full Game) $9.99
PixelJunk™ Eden $5.39
PixelJunk™ Monsters (Full Game) $1.00
PixelJunk™ Racers 2nd Lap (Full Game) $1.00
PixelJunk™ Shooter ($5.39)
PixelJunk™ Shooter 2 (Full Game) $4.99
PixelJunk™ SideScroller (Full Game) $4.99
PREHISTORIC ISLE (24 MB Required) $0.60
PSYCHO SOLDIER (16 MB Required) MINI $1.49
Puppeteer™ (Full Game) $7.00
Q*Bert Rebooted (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita) $6.99
R-Type Dimensions (Full Game) $9.99
Raiden IV: OverKill (Full Game) $9.99
Ratchet & Clank®: Collection [3 R&C Games] (11.5 GB) $7.50
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus™ (6.6 GB) $7.50
Retro/Grade (Full Game) $2.44
Retro City Rampage™ DX (Full Game) PS4/PS3/Vita $2.50
Revenge of Shinobi™, The $4.99
Ridge Racer® 7: 3D License Ver. (7.3 GB) $4.99
Rock Band Blitz Full Game Unlock (Full Game) $14.99
S.A.R. - SEARCH AND RESCUE (14 MB Required) MINI $1.49
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (Episodes 1-5) $0.99
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game (Full Game) $4.89
SEGA Vintage Collection: ToeJam & Earl 1 & 2 ($6.99
Shatter™ $7.99
Shoot Many Robots (Full Game) $9.99
Shovel Knight (PS3/PS4/PS Vita) $13.49
Sine Mora (Full Game) $9.99
Smash Cars $7.49
Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer PS3 844.89MB 4/17/2013
Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype 03/18/15
Sonic Adventure™ (Full Game) $1.99
Sonic the Fighters (Full Game) $1.99
Sound Shapes™ (Full Game) $11.99
Space Ace(R) (Full Game) $4.99
Space Channel 5™ Part 2 (Full Game) $2.99
Sparkle 2 (92 MB) PS4/PS3/Vita $1.60
Spelunker™ HD (Full Game) $5.00
Spelunky (Full Game) $3.75
Sports Champions™ (12 GB) $2.50
Sports Champions 2™ (3.5 GB) $2.50
SSX (4 GB) $5.24
StarDrone (Full Game) PS3/PS Vita $.99
Street Fighter® III: Third Strike Online Edt $3.00
Superfrog HD (Full Game) PS3/PS Vita $.99
Super Hang-On™ $4.99
Super Mega Baseball (PS4/PS3) $5.99
Super Motherload (342 MB) $3.75
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix $10.79
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix $16.17
Super Stacker Party (Full Game) $0.89
Super Stardust™ HD $10.79
T.N.K. III (5.4 MB Required) $0.60
Tales of Monkey Island™ Bundle $.99
Tales from Space: About a Blob Premium Game+DLC $2.50
Tecmo Bowl® Throwback (Full Game) $4.99
TIME SOLDIERS (14 MB Required) MINI $1.49
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops 827 MB (PS3/PS4/PS Vita) $2.80
TOKYO JUNGLE™ (Full Game) $0.99
TOUCHDOWN FEVER (39 MB Required) $0.60
Ultratron (Full Game) PS3/Vita $2.49
Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition (Full Game) $2.69
Unfinished Swan™, The (Full Game) $14.99
UNO™ $3.99
Urban Trial Freestyle (Full Game) $0.99
VANGUARD (2.8 MB Required) MINI $1.49
VANGUARD II (2.3 MB Required) $0.60
Velocity®Ultra (Full Game) $0.99
VICTORY ROAD (15 MB Required) $0.60
Virtua Fighter 2™ (Full Game) $0.99
Walking Dead, The - Season Pass (Episodes 1-5) $2.99
Walking Dead: Season, The Two - Season Pass $14.99
Wheel of Fortune $5.39
Wizorb Sony MINI $1.49
Wolf Among Us, The - Season Pass PS3 $3.75
Wolfenstein 3D™ (Full Game) $5.39
Wonder Boy in Monster Land™ (Full Game) $1.00
Wonder Boy in Monster World™ (Full Game) $1.00
Wonder Boy in Monster World IV (Full Game) $1.00
X-Men (Full Game) $9.99
ZEN Pinball $5.39
Zombie Apocalypse (Full Game) $1.50
Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone (Full Game) $5.50
Zombie Driver HD (Full Game) $1.50
Zuma's Revenge! (Full Game) $9.99
PS3 Add-On DLC (73)
PlayStation Plus: 1 Year + 3 Bonus Months
(Next Renewal Date: 07/11/2011 @ 10:32 PM) Total $49.99
PlayStation Plus: 1 Year Package $49.99 10/10/2013
PlayStation Plus: 1 Year Voucher $49.99 10/10/2014
PlayStation Plus: 1 Year Voucher $29.99 10/10/2015
PlayStation Plus: 1 Year Voucher $29.99 10/10/2016
Music Unlimited Premium One Year Subscription (Premium) $12.00
Brütal Legend Hammer of Infinite Fate (Add-On Content) $4.99
Capcom Arcade Cabinet Avatar Bundle $0.99
CastleStorm (Downloadable Game) $4.89
Dead Nation™ Road of Devastation (Add-On Content) $3.99
F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn (Add-On Content) $10.79
Foosball 2012 - Bonus Cities (Add-On Content) $1.99
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (R) PSN Avatar Bundle $1.99
God of War (R): Unearthing The Legend $6.45
Hustle Kings Time Savers Pack (Add-On Content) $1.59
Jetpack Joyride Counterfeit Machine (Add-On Content) $2.49
LittleBigPlanet™ Sonic Costumes and Stickers Kit $6.45
LittleBigPlanet™ 2 Cross-Control Level Kit (Add-On Content) $2.49
LittleBigPlanet™ 2 Muppets Premium Level Kit (Add-On Content) $2.99
Pinball Arcade Pack 01: Medieval Madness
and Bride of Pin•Bot $4.99
Pinball Arcade Pack 02: Cirqus Voltaire and Funhouse $4.99
Pinball Arcade Pack 03: Monster Bash and Gorgar $4.99
Pinball Arcade Table Pack 04: Creature and Black Knight $4.99
Pinball Arcade Pack 05: Harley-Davidson and Taxi $4.99
Pinball Arcade Pack 06: Elvira Party Monsters/No Good Gofers $4.99
Pinball Arcade Pack 07: Scared Stiff and Big Shot $4.99
Pinball Arcade Pack 08: The Twilight Zone $10 KS donation
Pinball Arcade Pack 09: Star Trek: TNG and Pro Mode KS FREE
Pinball Arcade Pack 10: Attack From Mars and Genie $4.99
Pinball Arcade 11: Dr. Dude & His Excellent Ray and Firepower $4.99
Pinball Arcade 12: Cactus Canyon & Central Park $4.99
Pinball Arcade: Season Two Pass (Add-On Content) $29.99 - $10credit
PS All-Stars PS3™ 'Fearless' Heavenly Sword Level (Addon) $1.99
Red Dead Redemption Golden Guns Weapon Pack (Add-On) $0.99
Renegade Ops™ Coldstrike Campaign (Add-On Content) $2.49
Renegade Ops™ Vehicle Pack (Add-On Content) $1.49
Runner2: Good Friends Character Pack (Add-On Content) $2.39
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game Knives Chau Add-On $1.99
Shoot Many Robots Average Sack (200,000 nuts) $1.99
Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype - The Last Chapter 03/18/15
Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer Complete Soundtrack $0.99
Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype Complete Soundtrack $0.99
Sonic CD - Full Game Unlock - (04-16-2012) $9.99
Sonic Racing Metal Sonic + 1 Death Egg Zone Track DLC $2.40
Sonic Racing Ryo with Forklift Character DLC $1.50
Sound Shapes™ Drum Kits Sound Pack (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Acoustic Sound Pack (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ 8-Bit Sound Pack (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Car Mini-Album & Entity Pack (Add-On) $1.99
Sound Shapes™ 80s Sound Pack (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Dubstep Sound Pack (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Old School Sound Pack PS3™ (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Vocoder Sound Pack PS3™ (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Brass Sound Pack PS3™ (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Future Funk 3000 Sound Pack (Add-On Content) $0.99
Sound Shapes™ Hohokum™ Sound and Art Pack (Add-On) $1.99
Street Fighter® 2 PSN Avatar Bundle $0.99
Super Street Fighter® 2 PSN Avatar Bundle (PS Plus Exclusive) $1.49
The Walking Dead: 400 Days (Add-On Content) $4.99
2010 SI Swimsuit Dynamic (Dynamic Theme) $4.31
Theme American Fireworks Dynamic Theme $2.99
Theme Aquarium - Dynamic Theme $2.99
Theme DP Season's Greetings Dynamic Theme $2.99
Theme -
Fireplace Dynamic Theme $3.21
Zen Pinball 2 - Balls of Glory (FGuy, Archer, Bob'sBs, AmericanD) $9.99
Zen Pinball: Mars Table (Add-On Content) $2.49
Zen Pinball 2 Monsters Bundle (Add-On Content) $4.19
Zen Pinball 2: Plants vs. Zombies (Add-On Content) $2.99
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball (Add-On Content) $9.99
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball Balance of the Force $9.99
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within (3 Tables, EPIV)
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars™ Pinball: The Force Awakens™ $3.34
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars™ Pinball: Star Wars Rebels $1.49
Zen Pinball: Street Fighter (R) II Tribute Table $2.49
Zen Pinball 2 - The Walking Dead (Add-On Content) $2.99
Zen Pinball 2 - Guardians of the Galaxy (Add-On Content) $2.99
Zen Pinball 2: South Park Pinball (Add-On Content) $4.99
Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone Pure Pwnage Pack $4.99
Zen Pinball 2 - Marvel's Ant-Man (Add-On Content)PS4/PS3/Vita $.99
Zen Pinball 2: Core Collection (Add-On PS4/PS3/PS Vita) $3.99
Purchased Rock Band / Guitar Hero DLC
Ah-ha - "Take On Me" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Allman Brothers - "Jessica" (Add-On Content) $1.99
Beastie Boys - "Make Some Noise" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Billy Joel Piano Challenge (Add-On) (RB3/Pro) $10.79
Boston Pack 1 - IGC (Add-On Content) $10.79
Buckner & Garcia - "Pac-Man Fever" (Add-On) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Cars, The - "Bye Bye Love" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Cars, The - "Good Times Roll" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Cars, The - "Just What I Needed" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Cars, The - "Moving in Stereo" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Cars, The - "My Best Friend’s Girl" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Cars, The - "You're All I've Got Tonight" - IGC (Add-On) $0.99
Cheap Trick Pack 1 (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $5.49
Chemical Brothers "Let Forever Be" (Add-On Content) $2.15
David Bowie "Heroes"* - IGC (Add-On Content) $2.15
David Bowie Pack 2 (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $9.17
Don McLean - "American Pie" (Add-On Content) $1.99 (last!)
Duran Duran - "Girls on Film" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Duran Duran "Rio" - IGC (Add-On Content) $2.15
Eric Cartman - "Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face' (Add-On) $0.99
Eve 6 "Inside Out" (Add-On Content) $2.15
Faith no More - From Out of Nowhere" (Add-On) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Foo Fighters Pack 1 (Add-On Content) $2.69
Foo Fighters - "Best of You" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Foo Fighters - "I'll Stick Around" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Foo Fighters - "My Hero" - IGC (add on content) $0.99
Foo Fighters - "The Pretender" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Foo Fighters - "Up in Arms" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Foo Fighters - "Walking After You" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Foo Fighters - "Wheels" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Foreigner - "Urgent" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Foreigner - "Hot Blooded" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Freezepop - "Less Talk More Rokk" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Heart "Barracuda" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Human League - Don't You Want Me (RB3/Pro) $2.15
Iron Maiden - "2 Minutes to Midnight" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Iron Maiden - "Can I Play With Madness" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Iron Maiden - "Run to the Hills (Original Version) $0.99
Iron Maiden - "The Number of the Beast (Original Version) $0.99
Iron Maiden - "Wasted Years" (Add-On Content) $0.99
James Gang - "Funk #49" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Jimi Hendrix - "The Wind Cries Mary" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Jimi Hendrix - "Purple Haze" (Add-On Content) $0.99
John Lennon "Jealous Guy" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $2.15
Journey - "Don't Stop Believing" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Kansas - "Point of Know Return (Live)" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Kravitz, Lenny, "Let Love Rule" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Linkin Park "Numb" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $2.15
Linkin Park "Waiting for the End" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $2.15
Linkin Park "What I've Done" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $2.15
McCartney, Paul "I'm Amazed" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $2.15
Miller, Steve "Take the Money & Run" (Add-On Content) $2.15
Motley Crue "Dr. Feelgood" - IGC (Add-On Content) $2.15
NIN Pretty Hate Pack 1 (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $7.55
Ozzy Osbourne 8-Pack (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $13.49
PAX 2009 Collection (Add-On Content) $3.21
Pat Benatar - "We Belong" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
The Police Pack 1 - IGC (Add-On Content) $5.93
The Police "Message In A Bottle" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Queen RB3 Enhanced Pack (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $10.79
Queen - "Fat Bottomed Girls" (Add-On Content) $0.99
RHCP "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" Album - IGC (Add on content) $9.99
Rufus - Tell Me Something Good" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Rush "Moving Pictures" Album (Add-On Content) $5.93
Rush "Subdivisions" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $2.15
Spinal Tap - "Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight" (Add-On) $0.99
Stevie Wonder Pack 1 (Add-On Content) $8.49
Styx - "Renegade" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Tenacious D - "Rock Your Socks" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Tenacious D "Tribute" (Add-On Content) $2.15
Toto "Rosanna" (Add-On Content) $1.99
Vapors, The - "Turning Japanese" (Add-On Content) (RB3/Pro) $1.99
Who, The - "Baba O'Riley" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Who, The "Behind Blue Eyes" - IGC (Add-On Content) $2.15
Who, The - "Who Are You?" - IGC (Add-On Content) $0.99
Who, The - "The Who Super Bowl S-mashup" (Add-On Content) $0.99
Rock Band™ Song Export Key (Add-On Content) $5.39
Rock Band™ 2 Export Pack (Add-On Content) $10.79
Rock Band Blitz! 15 Song Pack Import FREE w/ Blitz
LEGO(R) Rock Band™ Export Pack (Add-On Content) $10.79
The Beatles - Abbey Road Album
(Add-On Content) $18.35
The Beatles - Rubber Soul (Album) (Add-On Content) $19.41
Guitar Hero(R) Smash Hits Disc
Import (Add-On Content) $2.15
Guitar Hero(R) World Tour Disc Import (Add-On Content) $3.77
Purchased PS1 Classics (39)
2-Xtreme $6.45
Bust-A-Move 4 (65 MB) $1.80
Chrono Trigger $4.89
Crash Bandicoot $3.21
Destruction Derby $3.23
Extreme Pinball™ (PSOne Classic) (24 MB Required) $1.49
Fighting Force $3.21
Final Fantasy VII $1.97
Gex $6.45
Gex: Enter the Gecko $1.97
International Track & Field $3.21
Jet Moto® 2 (PSOne Classic) (115 MB Required) $1.20
Jumping Flash!™ $5.99
Jumping Flash!™2 $5.99
Klonoa®: Door to Phantomile (PSOne Classic) (433 MB Required) $1.79
Mega Man® 8 (PSOne Classic) (Downloadable Game) $1.97
Mega Man® X4 (PSOne Classic) (Full Game) $1.49
Mega Man® X5 (PSOne Classic) (345 MB Required) $1.49
Metal Slug X™ (PS3™/PSP®/PS Vita) (71 MB Required) $2.99
MotorToon Grand Prix $6.45
Namco Museum Vol. 1 (PSOne Classic) (Downloadable Game) $1.97
Namco Museum Vol. 3 (PSOne Classic) (Downloadable Game) $1.97
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee™ (PSOne Classic) (470 MB) $1.20
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus™ (PSOne Classic) (753 MB Required) $1.49
Pocket Fighter™ (PS3™ Only) (Full Game) $1.50
Rayman $3.21
Star Wars®: Dark Forces®(PS3™/PSP®) (309MB) PS3/ PSP $1.50
Strider 2 (PSOne Classic) (Full Game)+ Strider Bonus Disc $5.99
Tekken $5.99
Tekken 2 $6.45
Tomb Raider® (PSOne Classic) (211 MB Required) $1.99
Tomb Raider 2 $2.49
Twisted Metal 1 $2.79
Twisted Metal 2 $6.45
Um Jammer Lammy $6.45
Vib-Ribbon (PSOne Classic) (Full Game) $4.79
Wild Arms® (PSOne Classic) (300 MB) $1.20
XEVIOUS 3D/G+™ (PSOne Classic) PS3/Vita $1.50
ZANAC×ZANAC (PSX Import) $5.99
Combined list of Purchased + Plus
Purchased PS2 Classics (9)
Contra: Shattered Soldier (PS2 Classic) (Full
Game) $1.50
Gradius V (PS2 Classic) (Full Game) $2.50
Grand Theft Auto® 3 (4.35 GB) $2.39
Grand Theft Auto® Vice City (3.7 GB) $9.99
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas® (4.7 GB) $3.59
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories® (3.9 GB) $2.39
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories® (4 GB) $2.39
Manhunt (Full Game) $2.49
The Warriors® (Full Game) $2.49
*Above lists do not include free Plus
giveaways. See below...
PS3 Instant Game Collection List [USA] (PlayStation

of systems and other accessories
PS3 - 250GB "Super Slim" CECH-4001b TLOU Bundle
PS3 - 320GB "Slim" CECH-3001b (boxed)
PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle (box + extras only)
Sony PlayStation LED 3D Display
Sony PS3 Dual-Shock3 Controller
Sony PlayStation Move
Controllers x2
Sony PlayStation
Navigation Controller
Sony Move Shooting
Attachment x2
Sony Bluetooth
Wireless Keyboard
Sony $20 PSN Cards
Sony Blu-Ray Remote Control
[Pic 2]
Sony PlayStation Eye
Sony Component
Sony PS2 to PS3 Memory Card
Adapter ~Other Stuff~
Complete List of Shooters (SHMUPS) on the PS3
A PS3 game box collage with some of tje
best games on the system
@ $4 ea, for replacement cases (1-2-3)

Netflix Instant Streaming
