PS Vita/PS1/PSP/Mini Compatibility with PSTV (as of 09/25/15)
By Matthew Henzel

$PS Vita Purchased Cross-Buy Games $
Another World 20th Ann (PS3/PS4/Vita) (110MB) $7.19 (No PSTV)!
Aqua Kitty: MMD DX (Cross-Buy) PS4/Vita 154MB $2.75 (PSTV)
Dead Nation (PS3/PS4/Vita) (1.8GB)+Road of Dev (free) (PSTV)
Escape Plan (842MB) $3.65 (PS3/Vita/PS4) (No PSTV)
flOw (PS3/PS4/Vita) ($2.79 on 2/25/14) $2.79 (No PSTV)!
Flower (PS3/PS4/Vita) (404MB) (No PSTV)!
Flying Hamster HD (89MB) $.49 (No PSTV)!
God of War Collection (3.1GB) $11 (PSTV)
Grim Fandango Remastered (4.2GB) $6 (PSTV)
Guacamelee (PS3/Vita) (4/9/13) coming to PS4 $11.99 (PSTV)
Gunslugs (71MB) $2.49  (PSTV)
Hustle Kings Pool (PS3/Vita) $10.79 (No PSTV)
Kick Beat (PS3/PS4/Vita) $4 (No PSTV!)
Limbo (PS3/Vita) $7.34 (PSTV)
LBP2 Cross-Control Level Kit (PS3/Vita) $2.49
Metal Slug 3 (PS3/PS4/Vita) $13.90 (PSTV)
MotorStorm RC Complete Edition (PS3/Vita) 646MB + DLC $2 (PSTV)
OliOli (Cross-Buy) PS3/PS4/Vita $2.99  (PSTV)* Enable Touch & it will work.
Pinball Arcade, The + DLC (PS3/Vita) $9.99+DLC (PSTV)
Project Root (PS4/Vita) 217MB $6.99 (No PSTV)
Q*bert Rebooted (PS3/PS4/Vita) $6.99 (PSTV w/UPDATE!)
Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault (w/PS3 Game ) (PSTV)
Rollers of the Realm (Cross-Buy) PS4/Vita 531MB $4 (PSTV)
Shovel Knight (PS3/PS4/Vita) (133MB) $13.49 (PSTV)
Sound Shapes (PS3/Vita/PS4) + DLC $11.99 (PSTV)
Soldner X 2: Final Prototype (PS3/Vita) 933MB (PSTV)
Spelunky (PS3/Vita) (100MB) $3.75 (PSTV)
Star Wars Pinball (PS3/PS4/Vita) $10 + Balance/Force $10 (PSTV)
Super Stardust Delta (207MB) $5 (No PSTV)
Tales of Space Mutant Blobs (130MB) $4 (No PSTV)!
TxK (150MB) $7.99 (PSTV)
Velocity Ultra (PS3/Vita)  176MB $.99 (PSTV)
Zen Pinball 2 + DLC (PS3/PS4/Vita)

PS Vita - Free from PSN Plus (Alphabetical order):

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (3.3GB) (PSTV)

Castlestorm Complete Edition (PSTV)

Chronovolt (261MB) (PSTV)

CounterSpy 533MB (PSTV)

Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower <PSP/Vita> (657MB) (PSTV)

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (2GB) PS Vita (No PSTV)

Doki-Doki Universe (494MB) 07/01/14 (PSTV)

Dokuro (310MB) (No PSTV)

Dragon's Crown (979MB) 08/05/14 (PSTV)

Duke Nukem 3D Megaton edt. (447MB) 01/06/15 (PSTV)

Entwined (PSTV)

FEZ (182MB) 08/05/14 (PSTV)

Final Fantasy Tactics TWOTL (200MB) (PSTV)

Final Horizon (130MB) 12/02/14 (PSTV)

Fooseball 2012 (134MB) + Add-on DLC (PSTV)

Futuridium EP Deluxe (PSTV)

Geometry Wars 3 (PSTV)

Germinator (363MB) (No PSTV)!

God Eater Burst (977MB) <PSP/Vita> +DLC (33.9MB) (PSTV)

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories <PSP/Vita> (1.1GB) (PSTV)

Gravity Rush (1.4GB) 06/12/12 (No PSTV)

Hohokum (PSTV)

Hotline Miami (959MB) (PSTV)

Jet Set Radio (1.1GB) (PSTV)

Joe Danger (302MB) 09/02/14 (PSTV)

Kick & Fennick (808MB) 02/03/15  (PSTV w/UPDATE!)

Killzone Mercenary (PSTV)

Knytt Underground (672MB) (PSTV)

La-Mulana Ex (PSTV)

Limbo (221MB) (PSTV)

Lone Survivor: Director's Cut (397MB) 03/12/14 (No PSTV)!

Luftrausers (55MB) 11/04/14 (PSTV)

Machinarium Vita Version (329MB) (PSTV)

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (412MB) <PSP/Vita> (PSTV)

Metal Slug XX (166MB) <PSP/Vita> (PSTV)

Metrico (677MB) 08/05/14 (No PSTV)

ModNation Racers: Road Trip (1.5GB) 02/25/14 (No PSTV)!

Monster Bag (PSTV)

Mousecraft  (PSTV)

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite <PSP> (767MB) 03/25/14 (PSTV)

Muramasa Rebirth (450MB) 07/01/14 (PSTV)

Murasaki Baby (No PSTV)

Mutant Mudds Deluxe (32MB) 06/24/14 (No PSTV)

NFS Most Wanted (2.1GB) 12/06/14 free from PSX (PSTV)

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (2.3GB) (PSTV)

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (1.4GB) 11-19-13 (No PSTV)!

OliOli 2: Welcome to Olliwood  (PSTV)*Reports as non-working ,but it works.

Pix the Cat (188MB) 10/07/14 (PSTV)

PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD (164MB) 04/23/14 (PSTV)

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate (285MB) 06/2/14 (PSTV)

PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate (300MB) Crossbuy PS4/Vita (PSTV)

Plants Vs. Zombies (70MB) (PSTV)

PlayStation All*Stars Battle Royale (1363MB) 09/02/14 (No PSTV)!

Proteus (81MB) 08/05/14? (PSTV)

Race the Sun (PSTV)

Rainbow Moon (1.4GB) 10/07/14 (PSTV)

Rayman Origins (932MB) (PSTV)

Resogun (934MB) 12/23/14 (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/Vita) (PSTV)

Resogun (PSTV)

Retro City Rampage (29MB) comes up with only DX ver for $9.99

Rogue Legacy (412MB) 02/03/15 (PSTV)

Sine Mora (666MB) (No PSTV)!

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (3.3GB) 06/10/14 (own disc) (No PSTV)!

Smart As... (1390MB) 01/29/14 (No PSTV)!

Sonic All*Stars Racing (1.4GB) 12-25-13 (PSTV)

Soul Calibur Broken Destiny (357MB) <PSP/Vita> (PSTV)

Soul Sacrifice (1.8GB) 11-26-13 (No PSTV)!

Stealth Inc.: A Clone in the Dark (161MB) 04/08/14 (PSTV)

SteamWorld Dig (71MB) 11/04/14 (PSTV)

Stealth 2:  A Game of Clones (PSTV)

Street Fighter X Tekken (2.1GB) 02/18/14 (No PSTV)!

Super Exploding Zoo (PSTV)

Super Time Force Ultra (PSTV)

Surge Deluxe (109MB) 05/20/14 (No PSTV)

Tales of Space Mutant Blobs (130MB) (paid) (No PSTV)!

Tekken 6 (714MB) <PSP/Vita> (PSTV)

Terraria (32MB) 06/17/14 (No PSTV)

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (344MB) 11/04/14 (PSTV)

The Hungry Horde (331MB) 11/04/14 (PSTV)

The Pinball Arcade (PSTV)

The Swapper (283MB) 01/06/15 (230MB) (PSTV)

Thomas Was Alone (235MB) 03/18/14 (PSTV)

Titan Attacks (133MB) 12/02/14 (PSTV)

Treasures of Montezuma: Arena (F2P) (PSTV)

TxK (101MB) 09/02/14 already owned (PSTV)

Uncharted Golden Abyss (2.9GB) (No PSTV)

Unit 13 (1.1GB) 03/18/14 -own retail- (No PSTV)!

Urban Trial Freestyle (164MB) 12-31-13 (No PSTV)!

Velocity 2x ( 700MB) 09/02/14 (PSTV)

Velocity Ultra (176MB) 04/29/14 (PSTV)

Wake-Up Club (104MB) app w trophies (PSTV)

Whoah Dave! (38MB) 01/06/15 (PSTV)

WipEout 2048 (1.6GB) (No PSTV)!

Worms Battle Islands <PSP/Vita> 90MB 01-21-14  (doesn't show up)

Xeodrifter (No PSTV)!

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (1.2GB) (PSTV)

Zombie Tycoon II (659MB) (PSTV)


Alien zombie Death (PSTV)
Angry Birds (not working), (No PSTV)
Drums Challenge (says it works, but it doesn’t) (No PSTV)
Monopoly (No PSTV)
Wizorb (PSTV when copied from PS3)

Minis (SNK)
Alpha Mission (PSTV)
Athena (PSTV)
Bermuda Triangle (PSTV)
Gang Wars (PSTV when copied from PS3!)
Gold Medalist (PSTV)
Guerrilla War (PSTV)
Ikari Warriors (PSTV)
Ikari Warrios 2: Victory Road (PSTV)
Ikari Warriors 3: The Rescue (PSTV when copied from PS3!)
Marvin's Maze (PSTV)
Ozma Wars (PSTV)
Prehistoric Isle (PSTV)
Psycho Soldier (PSTV)
S.A.R. (PSTV when copied from PS3)
Street Smart (PSTV)
T.N.K. III. (PSTV when copied from PS3)
Time Soldiers (PSTV when copied from PS3)
Touchdown Fever (PSTV when copied from PS3)
Vanguard (No PSTV), only Vanguard 2
Vanguard II (PSTV)

PSX Games (updated 09/25/15)
2xtreme ($) (60MB) (PSTV)
Castlevania Chronicles (PSTV when copied from PS3)
Castlevania Symphony of the Night (356MB) (PSTV)
Chrono Trigger ($) (290MB) (PSTV)
Crash Bandicoot ($) NOT FOR PSTV/VITA
Crash Bandicoot 2 NOT FOR PSTV/VITA
Crash Bandicoot 3 NOT FOR PSTV/VITA
Crash Team Racing NOT FOR PSTV/VITA

Destruction Derby ($) (66MB) (PSTV)
Fighting Force ($) (85MB) (PSTV)
Final Fantasy V (163MB) (PSTV)
Gex ($) (121MB) (PSTV)
Hot Shots Golf 2 (156MB) (PSTV)
International Track & Field ($) NOT FOR PSTV/VITA
Jet Moto (75MB) (PSTV)
Jet Moto 2 (115MB) (PSTV)
Jumping Flash ($) (269MB) (PSTV)
Jumping Flash 2 ($) (269MB (PSTV)
MediEvil (331MB) (PSTV)
Metal Slug X ($) (PSTV)
MotorToon Grand Prix ($)  NOT FOR PSTV/VITA
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (PSTV)
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (PSTV)
Rally Cross (PSTV)
Rayman ($) (97MB) (PSTV)
Resident Evil Director's Cut (299MB) (PSTV)
Resident Evil 2 (757MB) (PSTV)
Resident Evil 3 (366MB) (PSTV)
Star Wars Dark Forces (388MB) (PSTV)
Syphon Filter 1 (385MB) (PSTV)
Syphon Filter 2 (899MB) (PSTV)
Syphon Filter 3 (399MB) (PSTV)
Strider 2 (Includes Strider 1 disc) (PSTV)
Tekken ($) (147MB) (PSTV)
Tekken 2 ($) (485MB) (PSTV)
Tomb Raider 2 ($2.50) (197MB) (PSTV)
Twisted Metal  ($) (72MB) (PSTV)
Twisted Metal 2 ($) (323MB) (PSTV)
Um Jammer Lammy ($) (512MB) (PSTV)
Vib Ribbon ($)(PSTV)
Warhawk (244MB) (PSTV)
Wild Arms (300MB) (PSTV)
.......Imported PS1..........
Zanac X Zanac ($6) (PSTV/VITA when copied from PS3)

Alien Crush (TG16 classic) <PSP-Vita>  NOT FOR PSTV/VITA
Bonk's Adventure (TG16 classic) <PSP-Vita>  NOT FOR PSTV/VITA

Vita DLC Add-ons:
LBP content
The Pinball Arcade tables
Sonic Allstars 2 Bonus Edt (100kb).
Sound Shapes DLC Packs
Zen Pinball tables

PSP games owned
Baseball Stars Professional (14MB) (PSTV)
Capcom Classics Collection Remixed (489MB) (PSTV)
Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded (388MB) (PSTV)
Capcom Puzzle World (260MB) (PSTV)
Gradius Collection (261MB)
(No PSTV!..Reason = Konami sucks! :(
Killzone Liberation (510MB) (PSTV)
LittleBigPlanet (1.3GB) (PSTV)
Power Stone Collection (304MB) (PSTV)
Rock Band Unplugged DLC
(No PSTV for Rock Band Unplugged)
Star Wars Battlefront II (668MB) (PSTV)
Strikers 1945 Plus (34MB) (PSTV)


All images and information contained within this website are © Matthew Henzel & Video Game Obsession 1996-[present]
Please contact me if you wish to use anything. Thanks.