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Amped Freestyle
Snowboarding Armed
& Dangerous Beyond Good
& Evil Black
Blinx The
Time Sweeper Blinx 2: Masters of Time &
Space Blood Wake Breakdown Brute Force
Burnout 3
- Takedown Burnout 4 -
Revenge Chronicles
of Riddick Conker: Live
and Reloaded Conker: Live
and Reloaded Demo
Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller
Crimson Skies
Dead or Alive
Dead or Alive
Ultimate Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball Doom 3 Doom 3 Limited
Collector's Edition Dragon's
Lair 3D Driv3r
Enclave Enter the
2K5 Fable
Forza Motorsport Full Spectrum Warrior Grabbed by
the Ghoulies Gun Valkyrie
HALO 2 Special
Edition House
of the Dead III
Incredible Hulk:
Ultimate Destruction Indigo Prophecy Jade Empire Jet Set Radio
Karaoke Revolution Party
King of Fighters, The 02/03 Kung Fu Chaos Lord of the
Rings FOTR
Lord of the
Rings TTT
Lord of the
Rings ROTK Manhunt
Mechassault Mechassault
2: Lone Wolf Limited
Edt Metal Arms
Glitch in the System Metal Gear
Solid 2 Substance Metal Slug
3 Metal Slug
4 & 5 (2 Disc) Ninja Gaiden Oddworld:
Munch's Oddysee
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Otogi Myth of Demons
Otogi 2
Immortal Warriors
OutRun 2 Panzer Dragoon
Orta Prince of
Persia Sands of Time Project Gotham
Project Gotham
Racing 2 Psychonauts
Pure Pinball
Quantum Redshift
Challenge 2
Sega GT 2002 Shenmue II Soul Calibur
II Spider-Man 2 Splinter
Cell Star Wars Knights
of the old Republic Star Wars Knights
of the old Republic II Super Monkey
Ball Deluxe
Timesplitters 2
Toejam &
Earl III Top Spin
Voodoo Vince Warriors, The
The Yakuza Missions
Microsoft Xbox 2003 Version 4 boxed Microsoft Xbox HALO Special Edt. boxed Microsoft Xbox High Definition AV Pack + Component Cables x2 Microsoft Xbox Advanced AV Pack + S-video Cables x2 Microsoft Xbox "Duke" controllers x3 Microsoft Xbox JPN Grey "S" controller x1 Microsoft Xbox Blue "S" controller x1 MadCatz Blaster (Green) Guns (mint/CIB) x2 Wireless Cosmo Controller x1 Wireless Logitec Controller x1 + Halo Companion Disc (factory sealed) 10 copies of America's Army (for spare cases)
XBOX Games Wanted:
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