*NEWS* 11/2009.. Sega
Genesis version of Mondu's Fight Palace is discovered.
Pictures here!!
This game is Considered by many to be one of the worst games ever
produced for the Sega Genesis.
I strongly disagree! One of the more popular
game review websites called this " A
Street Fighter 2
clone without the
good elements." Now for a bit of truth. Street Fighter 2 was released in 1991.
The original version
of this was released in 1989 and those of you who say
Street Fighter is
original game have probably never played Karate Champ. I realize there
are also Amiga
PC IBM ports of this that came out before this version. I have not
able to play those as of
yet so my review will focus on the Sega Genesis / Megadrive
I have screenshots and box scans
from all versions however.
A very unique and strange
fighter. Fatman/Slaughter Sport is different to say the least!
It contains a cast of characters that would make the Cantina
bar regular seem normal in contrast.
The fighters range from a gassy gargoyle named Guano,
to Stump, a mutant, legless arm wrestler.
For some it has become an instant classic. True,
it doesn't make for a great single player game,
but when you've played a few rounds of Mondu VS Mondu into the wee hours of the night
with your
friends, you will then truly
understand the fun to be had in this game. Load up on Slow and anti-Jump
weapons and crush the fat bastard! Watch out for the bees...they'll sting
your arse.
GRAPHICS: 5 (Mondu looks very nice for a 16-bit
SOUND: 6 (Nothing special, the intro voice is
funny, I added an extra point for Guano's fart)
CONTROL: 5 (The controls often work against you.
At least with a 2 player game you both suffer..ENJOY!)
FUN: 10+ (Mondu Vs. Mondu. TIP: Freeze Mondu
and lick him
like a fat scoop of your favorite ice cream.)
OVERALL: Buy this game if you want something
very funny and unique.
The only difference between the
and English versions is the ability
to select your fighter in a 2 player game without having to input the code
(see below). I had fun playing through and finding the codes on my own.
You can probably find a copy of this cheap on Ebay or your game bargain
bins... Mondu is waiting
Slaughter Sport FAQ/Move List
(c) DEATHSCHILD (2004-09-29)